Budget Planner Calculator

Wondering how much money is left over each month? Our Budget Planner looks at your income and expenses, giving you a quick snapshot of your weekly, monthly or annual budget and saving potential.

You can also find out your indicative rateˇ in less than 5 minutes.

  Won’t impact your credit score

Budget Planner Calculator

Ready to take the next step?

In less than five minutes, find out what indicative interest rate you might be eligible for.

Let's crunch those numbers

Our calculators are here to help you along your home buying journey. From working out stamp duty to helping you calculate your borrowing power or repayments.

Borrowing power calculator

Borrowing Power

Work out how much you may be able to borrow with us, based on your income and expenses. 
Interest Rate Calculator

Interest Rate Calculator

Find out your indicative rateˇ  with just a few personal details. It won't impact your credit score.
Mortgage repayment calculator

Mortgage Repayments

Work out your mortgage repayments and interest payable over the life of the loan.
Savings and term deposit calculator

Savings Goals

Find out how much you could save with a savings account or term deposit.

Important Information

Information provided is factual information only, and is not intended to imply any recommendation about any financial product(s) or constitute tax advice. All applications are subject to credit assessment, loan eligibility and lending limits. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. If you require financial or tax advice you should consult a licensed financial or tax adviser.

*The results of the budget planner calculator are based on information you have provided and the assumptions in the calculator (See 'About this calculator') and is to be used as a guide only. Calculator by Widgetworks. Calculator by Widget Works.

ˇ An indicative interest rate and estimated repayments are not a formal approval for a loan, so don’t enter any financial commitments based on it. They are a guide only, based on the basic information you provide and the credit score we obtain for the primary application and is not a suggestion or recommendation of any loan product.

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